18/11/05 12:14


フライト情報不足で検証ができませんので、預入れ荷物(Check-in baggageの有無 SINでPick-upの必要性有無) 出国便のオンラインチェックインの可否確認を推奨します。
空港案内では搭乗券の所持(e-ticketの提示でokならいいが)とTransit areaからターミナル移動とされています。AirasiaはT4 JetstarはT1でJQ/BL便はオンラインチェックイン不可となっております。又AirasiaとJetstarは荷物輸送の協定締結しているとは思いませんので入国審査前にT4で荷物がPick-up可能か確認が必要。多分T4で荷物Pick-up ターミナル移動 Check-in counterのオープンはSTD-3、Laggage-leftに預けて(5 SD)の先着順のツアー参加となると思います。Resistration Boothには行けないので最寄り案内所で電話予約になると思いますが、Facebookで問合せられたら如何でしょうか。 http://www.changiairport.com/en/maps.html#18.5/1.3550017/103.9885069/-67
Registration Booths
Terminal 2: Transit Area, between Transfer Lounge F and Skytrain to Terminal 3 near the escalator to Arrival Immigration (Level 2)
Terminal 3: Transit Area, near Transfer Lounge A and Gate A1-A8 (Level 2)
Other Terminals: Please stay in the transit area and proceed to the booth at Terminal 2 to register, or enquire with the nearest Information Counter
Please remain in the transit area and do not clear immigration
Travelling From Terminal 4
From Terminal 4 to Terminal 2
Please proceed to the Shuttle Bus Pick-up point at Terminal 4 Arrival Hall Level 1 (Opposite the Clinic). The Drop-Off point at Terminal 2 is at the Arrival Hall Door 1.
The shuttle bus journey from Terminal 4 to Terminal 2 takes about 10 minutes, and the shuttle bus leaves every 10 minutes from 5.30am to 12.00am, and every 20 minutes from 12.00am to 5.30am.
From Terminal 4 to Terminal 1 and 3
Passengers transferring to Terminal 1 and 3 from Terminal 4 will first need to make a connection to Terminal 2, followed by taking the Skytrain to Terminal 1 or 3.

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