Re: 台北101階段登り競走のこと教えて


European Chamber of Commerce Taipei (ECCT)

TAIPEI 101 and ECCT, one of the most influential foreign business organizations in Taiwan, jointly organized the Happy Hour event at the transition lobby on Level 35. ECCT Chief Executive Officer Guy Wittich took part in the event.


去年11月20日TAIPEI 101舉行2005 TAIPEI 101國際登高賽,這是世界第一高樓所舉辦的第一場登高大賽,從1樓起點到終點的91樓層,總計2046階,總登高高度達390公尺,除了台北市副市長金溥聰與葉金川都報名參加外,也吸引許多國內外頂尖登高選手前來比賽,讓整場登高活動?色不少。TAIPEI 101為了鼓勵全民運動,特地將本屆的報名費用在扣除個人保險後,全數捐給中華奧會作為「2008奧運奪七金」的發展基金,藉此一拋磚引玉的力量,呼籲國人一同為參與2008年奧運的選手加油打氣!

Run Up

On November 20, 2005, TAIPEI 101 organized the TAIPEI 101 Run Up, the first stair climbing competition held in the world’s tallest building. The competition involved 2,046 steps from level 1 to 91, which is 390 meters off the ground. Taipei Deputy Mayor Pu-tsung King and Chin-chung Yeh in addition to many world-class stair-climbing players participated in the contest. To encourage Taiwan residents to exercise, TAIPEI 101 donated the registration fee less the insurance premium to the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee as a development fund for 7 gold medals for the Summer Olympics 2008. TAIPEI 101 also urged the public to cheer for contestants of the Summer Olympics 2008!

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